

Thursday, September 09, 2010

1st Anniversary Post : Tukang Tahu

Tukang Tahu di bundaran Alamsari

A tofu man fully equipped with bongsang (a container for tofu above his head). Crispy fried tofu is the most famous culinary of Sumedang. It's also notable in Indonesia because its special taste. So, if you'd like to come visit Sumedang, tofu must be put on your a-must-eat food list. You have to taste it at least once in your lifetime. :)

Anyway, has run for 1 year until today. Thank you very much for all visitors, either a new or a loyal one, my city daily photo friends, and also for all of your comments so far. It's mean a lot for me and I really appreciate it too. Thanks, guys!

p.s. :
I will celebrate Idul Fitri Day tomorrow and take a mudik.
I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Idul Fitri. Minal Aidin wal Faidzin.

11 komentar:

  1. Happy Anniversary and thank you for showing us your beautiful city.

  2. Congratulations for your 1st anniversary. I wish you a lot more.

  3. Selamat Ulang tahun semoga sukses selalu

  4. I like his hat! I love tofu so I'll definately have to try it if I ever drop by :D
    Happy Anniversary! Hope for another year of lovely photos :D

  5. Thank you very much everyone....!

    Kaori: So, just let me know...

  6. I love tofu of all kinds! We have the word taho, but it refers to silken tofu only, which we eat with caramel syrup and sago pearls. Yummy too.

    Happy first blog birthday!

  7. I like tofu too!

    Happy first blogoversary!

  8. well done for making it through your first year.

  9. CONGRATULATIONS on your 1st year CDP blog anniversary! Good luck on your 2nd year!
    Kind regards

    PS - Sorry to be so late to comment!

  10. happy 1st anniversary, i wish you want to visit Cibugel- darmaraja distric to come to my home, there is so many beautiful object can your capture,....and we can travelling to
    mountain range near my place.....

    thanks kang Dindin.....

  11. happy 1st anniversary, i wish kang Dindin want visit to my home at Cibugel-darmaraja district, it's about 20 km from central city smd, there is so many object can you capture (forest, scenery, and mountain range)............

    go forward for SDP, hopelly these can drummed up for our beloved city, Sumedang....


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