Greeting from Indonesia...
To be honest, this blog is published since I was inspired by my lecturer Eki's Bandung Daily Photo (BDP) and other city daily photo-blogs which are available on the internet as a media of information and documentation of a city. The city’s life is not going off from its social dynamics. The citizen, cultures, language, and every little thing that happen within is an interesting thing.
This blog will talk more about the life of the city and all the things involved within through the pictures. However, an image will give you a color, an imagination and an interpretation if you enjoy it. I hope it would be useful to anyone visited here. Perhaps, someday, it would become an artifact of a historic city.
For my beloved motherland,

To be honest, this blog is published since I was inspired by my lecturer Eki's Bandung Daily Photo (BDP) and other city daily photo-blogs which are available on the internet as a media of information and documentation of a city. The city’s life is not going off from its social dynamics. The citizen, cultures, language, and every little thing that happen within is an interesting thing.
This blog will talk more about the life of the city and all the things involved within through the pictures. However, an image will give you a color, an imagination and an interpretation if you enjoy it. I hope it would be useful to anyone visited here. Perhaps, someday, it would become an artifact of a historic city.
For my beloved motherland,
(Facts about Sumedang)
- Sumedang is located in West Java Province, Indonesia.
- Established since 1578
- The city is famous as "Kota Tahu" or Tofu City
- Coordinates 6°57′S 107°34′E
- Prabu Geusan Ulun Museum is the one and only museum
- Tampomas peak is the highest point (1684m asl)
- Places of interest : Prabu Geusan Ulun Museum, Sumedang Town Square, Mesjid Agung Sumedang, Cadas Pangeran Road, Gunung Kunci, Kampung Toga, Curug Cinulang, Curug Sabuk, Curug Ciputrawangi, Curug Cigorobog, Kiarapayung Camping Ground, Giri Gahana Golf & Resort, Mount Tampomas, Mount Geulis, Mount Kacapi, Mount Kareumbi, Gunung Gadung Fortress, Gunung Palasari Fortress, Gunung Kunci Fortess, Sekarwangi & Cileungsi Hot Spring, Citengah, Margawindu tea plantation, Grave of Cut Nyak Dien, Graves of The King/Founding Father of Sumedang, KAS or Sumedang Agrobussiness Area, Rumah Pohon (Treehouses), Jatigede Dam (under construction), Kampung Ladang.
- The seal of Sumedang was created by R. Mahar Martanegara