

Friday, August 06, 2010

100th Post: Cadas Pangeran

Another Side of The Legendary Road, Cadas Pangeran.

It's my 100th post! Thanks to all visitors for your support and comments so far. Also for my top 10 commentators until now : Kaori, Lisergic Synaesthesiae, T. Becque, Leif Hagen, J Bar, Al, Max-e, AB, Boom Nisanart, Dragonstar. Thank you, guys!. And my cool lecturer and inspirator, Mr. Eki.

Ok, now, let's post another thousand pictures... :)

4 komentar:

  1. Congratulations.
    Waiting to see your 1000th post.

  2. Selamat atas postingnya yang ke-100!

    This is one of my favorite views along Bandung - Cirebon route.

  3. Yah! We want to see LOTS more :D Congratulations on your 100th post, which is a lovely road, by the way, and the beautiful photos!

  4. Selamat..Dah 100 postinga. dinanti hingga kepostingan 1000. Sukses Selalu


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