

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Friendly Policeman

Pak Suhendar

Pak Suhendar merupakan anggota kepolisian Polres Sumedang dari Sat Patwal (Satuan Patroli dan Pengawalan). Silahkan baca artikel menarik tentang Sat Patwal, disini.

A friendly policeman named Suhendar posed for me with Yamaha Police Diversion XJ900P, CMIIW, during my street hunting. Furthermore, he ordered me to print his picture. Hmmm, I'm just thinking about to monetize my hobby... Anyway, It's my participation on Weekend Portrait.

7 komentar:

  1. That's a wonderful portrait of Mr. Policeman. He's got a cool, very clean bike!

  2. Very nice photo. Looks like he is very proud of his motorcycle... and he maintains it extremely well!

    Thank you for the follow. I'm also following yours now so we can exchange comments and learn about each other's city. Hello from Montreal, Canada!

  3. Very nice of him to pose for you. Regarding our International Folk Art Market, yes there are two artists here from Indonesia.

  4. cela me fait penser a la serie "Chips"

  5. Well if a policeman orders you to do something, what can you do!! Great shot!!


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