

Monday, June 13, 2011

Kerajinan Bambu

A man and the little boy were demonstrating how to use a Sundanese musical instrumen, Karinding.

Di stan ini banyak sekali kerajinan tangan dari bambu, baik itu alat-alat musik seperti karinding, celempung, angklung, ataupun aksesori sehari-hari seperti tas, pajangan, dll.

3 komentar:

  1. Hi!!! :D
    one of my pictures is on contest, with the theme "music" The voting process is open to the public and is performed by facebook. So if you like photography please help me, thank you so much by your vote.
    To vote, click on the link and then placed a like in the page (if you dont put a like on the page, you can not vote). then go to this picture and vote for her. You can see the picture in
    thank you!
    Kisses and hugs: D

  2. Very unusual instruments to a Westerners eyes! Another lovely portrait!

  3. Beautiful capture. Shows a lot of heart. :)


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