

Friday, August 27, 2010

Partly Shining

Suatu sore di puncak Gunung Manglayang

Another old collection of mine. Enjoying a warm evening at the top of Mount Manglayang. See another beautiful photo at Skywatch Friday.

11 komentar:

  1. Oh, what beautiful clouds, and I love the light on the land below. A super photo.

  2. Amazing view! I like how the clouds looming above are so big and fluffy :-)

  3. Awesome shot, so atmospheric with the clouds and the sunlight, foggy mountains, it's got everything!

  4. Beautiful shot!

  5. Pemandangan yang indah... Template baru nih kang..

  6. Wow, wow, wow! The light and colors are gorgeous. I bet you enjoyed that climb with this view as your reward.

  7. by a member i discovered of your blog and your photos very beautiful! I appreciate the open window on a other world! I had a good time to read and I'll will you follow with pleasure...
    Bye Mahon !


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